You are here: Stock Items

Stock Items

Stock Items in Idealpos

Stock Items are the main component of any good stock control system.

They are the item that is counted, sold, ordered and stocked.

Everything else in a stock control system is geared towards grouping the sales and information generated by them.


Hierarchy of Stock

Stock Item Types

Stock Items in Idealpos

Edit Mode

Multi Select

Non-Turnover Stock Item Sales

Stock Code Search

Previous Next and Search Navigation

Print Label

Sorting the Stock Item List

Customising the Columns by User

Copy Stock Item

Stock Item Enquiry

Alternate Codes


Supplier Codes

Promotion Enquiry


Migrating Long Descriptions into Description 3

General Tab

Stock Code



Scan Code

Selling Prices

Open Stock Item

Cost Prices

Purchase Category

Default Supplier & Default Supplier Stock Code

Printer Settings

Indirect Item – Components go to Kitchen Printers

Other Options


TAX Settings


Advanced Tab


Sales Prompt


Link to Menu

Link Table

Modifier Grids

Amount Override Limits

Location Details on Stock Levels

Stock Notes

Points by Price Level

Use Special Points

Inhibit Points Accrual

Inhibit Purchase with Points

Print Promotional Ticket

Receipt Tabs


Indirect Tab

Stock Item Variants

Creating Variant Types

Modifying Variant Types and Options

Configuring Variant Types/Options

Creating Variant Stock Items

Viewing Variant Items in the Stock Items Grid

Modifying Variant Items

Configuring and Selling Variant Items on the POS Screen

Reporting Variant Stock Item Sales

Using Idealpos Variants with Shopify Variants

Creating Indirect Variant Items

Discontinuing and Deleting Variant Items

Other Tab